Exceptional day for Kaunas: Pažaislis Church and Monastery Complex awarded as the best European Film location in 2020


Kaunas (Lithuania) received exclusive recognition of the European film industry. On the evening of the 2nd of March during an online Berlin Film Festival ceremony it was announced that Pažaislis Church and Monastery Complex was awarded as the best European Film Location in 2020. The Location Award nomination has been initiated not for the first time by EUFCN (European Film Commissions Network) and several dozens of nominees were seeking the title this time.

Commended by film professionals 

A record number of 28 European film locations and regions was nominated for the awards in 2020. Pažaislis Church and Monastery Complex was introduced to the Commission by Kaunas Film Office. In 2018 this location hosted the filming of a four-part TV miniseries by HBO and Sky “Catherine the Great”, featuring Oscar winner Helen Mirren in the lead role.

“We rejoice at winning this award. We have no doubts that Location Award introduced by EUFCN will allow us to reveal the uniqueness of Kaunas region and to make it more visible on the international scale not only for the purposes of film production, but for movie tourism as well. We are grateful to HBO and Sky, Director Philip Martin, film producers as well as the creative team”, the Head of Kaunas Film Office Aurelijus Silkinis could not contain his joyful emotions.

The commission which was composed of the especially distinguished experts such as Lori Balton (location search specialist and LMGI founding member as well as former president), Valerio Caruso (Cineuropa Director), Matthijs Wouter Knol (European Film Academy Director), Julian Newby (Boutique Editions Ltd. Founder and Editorial Director), Julie-Jeanne Regnault (EFAD – European Film Agencies (EFAD) Secretary General), selected five best film locations from all the nominees, which made it to the final stage. During this last stage the society was also entitled to express the opinion and vote for the most memorable location.

“While it took a while to correctly pronounce “Pažaislis”, my Lithuanian ancestry had me determined! The baroque 17th century Monastery afforded such a level of visual complexity and scale to “Catherine the Great. ” Coupled with Lithuania’s incentives, the compelling depth of its historic locations make it a winner through and through. I hope for a reason to scout it in person one day”, – L. Balton, member of the Expert Commission, was very generous with her compliments for one of the most exceptional locations in Kaunas.

Her opinion was also supported by colleague J. Newby: “There have been many examples in the recent history of the contemporary arts – live music, film and television in particular – where certain places of historic and religious significance have been considered too sacred to serve as a backdrop. It is a credit to the people who look after the Pažaislis Church and Monastery in Kaunas – and to the Kaunas Film and Tourism Office – that they made available this extraordinary location for the production of the HBO/Sky miniseries Catherine the Great.

It was, of course, the perfect location for the telling of the story. But in allowing it to be used in this production, Kaunas has also given other treasured venues around the world the confidence to offer themselves as possible locations for telling important stories.

It is always the intention of the production industry to leave important buildings, artefacts and sacred places intact – and even sometimes in better condition – after their being used for important artistic representation. This is crucial for the further release of historic locations into the creative process.”

Read full article here: lietuva.lt

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