Šeštadienį, spalio 30d. Sietlo bendruomenė tradiciškai vėl rinkosi į lietuvių kapines Roslyn, WA.

Mirusiuosius pagerbėme uždegdami žvakutes, giedodami giesmes, tylos minute pagerbdami išėjusius bendruomenės narius. Užsirašėme ir ant keliaujančios Išeivijos vėliavos ir be abejo neapsiėjome be tradicinių vaišių.

Buvo labai smagu vėl visus pamatyti!


On a beautiful Saturday afternoon, the Seattle community gathered again at the Lithuanian Cemetery in Roslyn, WA to commemorate the traditional holiday of Velines (All Souls Day).

We honored those Lithuanians who are buried in the oldest Lithuanian cemetery found in western United States. Vigil candles were lit; prayer; songs and hymns were sung. A moment of silence honored these early immigrants and the memory of our own dear departed friends and family. We concluded with refreshments brought by community members to share. Before saying our good-byes, this year, we had the opportunity to admire the flag traveling between chapters of Bendruomene that celebrates the 70th Anniversary of the Lithuanian American Community organization. Leaders of our chapter activities: choir, folk dancing, heritage school and youth camp signed the flag. It was a great pleasure to see and visit with everyone again!

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