Ukrainos didvyriai toliau kovoja, o mes, kartu su jumis, darykime viską, kad jiems padėtume 🇺🇦🇱🇹
Siekdami, kad parama Ukrainą pasiektų kuo greičiau ir nukeliautų ten, kur labiausiai jos reikia, kviečiame aukoti čia. Visos surinktos lėšos bus skirtos humanitarinei pagalbai Ukrainai. Aukoti galite mokėdami per PayPal
Pinigus galite pervesti į šią JAV Lietuvių Bendruomenės banko sąskaitą:
Taupa Lithuanian federal credit union
368 West Broadway, So. Boston, MA 02127
Saskaitos pav: Lithuanian American Comm
Acc# 101702. Routing # 211091934
Taip pat galite siųsti čekį:
Lithuanian American Communityc / o A. Mikuckis
306 Arlington Drive, Pasadena California 91105
Visos aukos galės būti nurašytos nuo mokesčių. Tik su Jūsų visų pagalba ir palaikymu galime padėti ukrainiečiams jų kovoje su Rusija. Ačiū už jūsų palaikymą ir pasitikėjimą.
Military power allows you to win battles, but the will to defend and loyalty to your state determines who wins the war. Our country has experienced this in the struggle for Independence, in the struggle of partisan resistance in the post-war years, in the bloody events of January 13th. Today, the people of Ukraine are also fighting for freedom for us all.
Therefore, not only can we, but we must each help those who are fighting and surviving the horrors of war. In order for this support to reach Ukraine as quickly as possible and to go where it is most needed, we invite you to donate here. All funds raised will be used for humanitarian aid to Ukraine.
You can donate by via PayPal
or transferring money to this bank account in the US Community:
Taupa Lithuanian federal credit union
368 West Broadway, So. Boston, MA 02127
Sąskaitos pav: Lithuanian American Comm
Acc# 101702. Routing # 211091934
You can also send a check to:
Lithuanian American Community
c / o A. Mikuckis
306 Arlington Drive, Pasadena California 91105
with the check made out to SUPPORT FOR UKRAINE.
All donations will be tax deductible. Only with the help and support of all of you can we help the Ukrainians in their fight against Russia. Thank you for your support.