TRAGIC MAGIC. A Story of Recovery by Sigute Miller

Sigute Miller

Sigute was born in the early boomer years in Chicago. Her parents were Lithuanian DPs (Displaced Persons) after the war. Growing up, Sigute led a double life. She was a straight-A student in Catholic school, and a participant in Lithuanian community activities on the weekend. She also hung out with the “bad boys” (and girls), sniffing glue, smoking pot, and guzzling alcohol.

She came to L.A. seeking acting work, but instead was exploited by a sleazy talent manager. She excelled at managing a French fashion boutique on Rodeo Drive. She also continued to drink and drink. Things came to a head when she was arrested on a DUI with her daughter in the car.

She was confronted with a choice: Continue to ingest intoxicants and die, as happened to two of her loved ones; or do the hard work of recovering from her addiction, and building a new future for herself and her family.

TRAGIC MAGIC ~ A Story of Recovery is a riveting saga of tragedy, trauma, transformation and recovery.

Sigute Miller

Sigute Miller is a member of Echo Theatre Company, where she appeared in productions of An Undivided Heart, Better and Anon. She has also appeared in fifteen Lithuanian plays and in numerous national television commercials. A competitive swimmer, she has been ranked as a US Masters Champion Swimmer and a Gold Medalist at California Senior Olympics.

Tragic Magic is also a 2022 Selection for Solofest and for the United Solo Festival in New York.

Tragic Magic is ultimately a story of hope, redemption and triumph.

To see more information about Tragic Magic shows please visit:


“Many sweetly human and very funny moments. It is told lightly, authentically, and with a kind of gentle grace.”——

Tragic Magic show review:

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    Šaunuolė Sigute. Nekantriai laukiame pamatyti tavo spektaklį.
    Amandas ir Veronika.

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