In Memoriam Mantas Kvedaravicius and all the Brave Souls of Mariupol, Ukraine 


Thursday evening at the Ukrainian Culture Center in Los Angeles was dedicated to the memory of anthropologist and director Mantas Kvedaravičius who was killed in Mariupol, and all those who have died in the fight againstp Russian aggression in Mariupol. His internationally acclaimed documentary film MARIUPOLIS (2016) was shown that night and captures the daily lives and stories of the survivors of a war-torn city. “I hope while watching this film you’ll feel that at least for a moment you are in Mariupol, Ukraine, together with people who live among the half-million residents in a war-torn city: bombs explode, people die. That war sometimes comes to the city itself, but life goes on nonetheless” said the late director.

This year, Mantas Kvedaravičius was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award at Lithuania’s Silver Crane Film Awards. The winner was announced by the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, expressing the hope that “the life of Mantas Kvedaravičius, his artistic legacy and dedication will inspire others to protect the most important things – truth, freedom and justice. That is what the future of a democratic and free Ukraine depends on today, as well as the future of Europe as a whole.”

This is a first joined event together with Lietuvos Respublikos generalinis konsulatas Los Andžele, Lithuanian World Arts Council, Ukrainian Culture Center – UCC, and Stand With Ukraine Foundation celebrating life and building bridges between Lithuanian and Ukrainian diasporas.

We thank everyone who came to the event and for your support to Ukraine in the fight against Russian aggression.

We also grateful to our information partners Los Angeles Lithuanian Community / Los Angeles JAV Lietuvių Bendruomenė, and BAFL- Baltic American Freedom League and Health-Ade for refreshing drinks! 🙏

Special thanks to Daiva Cekanauskas Navarrette, Eleonora Romuva, Marius Vilunas, Mariana Yuriyivna, Laryssa Reifel, George, Iryna Vasylkova, Victor Kapshuk, Мишко М. for making this event happen and Tomas Umbrasas, Sonata JP, Nijole Kinciniene for your amazing support during the screening 🙏

Until victory! 💙💛✊💛💚❤️

Photos by Maria Grajauskaite 📷

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