Baltic American Freedom League US Congressional call to action


Restoring Baltic Defensive Military Stockpiles Donated to Ukraine

The Baltic states have been among the largest providers of military equipment to Ukraine and are in need of replenishment of these inventories of anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons including Stingers, Javelins, munitions and other equipment that are for their own defense particularly in light of Russia’s stated ambitions in the Baltic region.

Senators Grassley, Durbin and Klobuchar have introduced a bill (S. 4059) that would require the Secretary of Defense to replace „equipment, defense support capabilities and relevant defense articles”  by certain members of NATO that would include the Baltic states.  Senator Rubio has introduced a „Ukraine Emergency Appropriations Act of 2022” (S. 3724) that would provide available funds up to $1billion for „procurement, Defense-wide” to provide „planes, tanks, munitions and anti-air and anti-tank weaponry” as well as additional support to Ukraine.

There is no companion version of either bill in the US House at this time.  Please sign a letter to your Senator to support this legislation or any similar legislation or appropriations to increase procurement of defense articles that are in greater need given Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine and threats to Eastern Flank nations.

Click the link below to complete the message to your representatives.

Conrad Mazeika

BAFL President

Los Angeles, CA

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