TUTTO a DIO – tai neįprasta klasikinių instrumentų, alto ir akordeono kombinacija duete – iki šiol vienintelė ir pirmoji Lietuvoje bei itin reta visame pasaulyje.
Programoje skambės klasikos lobyno bei lietuvių kompozitorių šedevrai, modernios lietuvių liaudies dainų aranžuotės.
Tutto a Dio: An Afternoon of Classical, Tango & Northern European Folk Music
“Tutto a Dio“ is a unique musical virtuoso duo of violist and accordionist from Europe, extensively traveling the world and having won many international competitions in Switzerland, Italy, France, and Lithuania. Their signature professionalism and creative freedom have inspired audiences around the world. For this performance, which will feature an energetic and diverse program of classical masterpieces, tangos and reimagined folk music from the Baltics. A Soprano will join Tutto a Dio for this concert.