San Diego B. Brazdzionis lithuanian school is inviting kids to join in this school year


Laba diena!

We hope everyone has had a wonderful summer. As we return to the fall, we are thinking about our new and returning students and teachers at the San Diego B Brazdzionis Lithuanian School.

First, we are excited to share the latest info about our teachers:

• Una Greblikaite is now a student at UC Santa Barbara! Una, thank you SO MUCH for your energy at the LT school – we celebrate you and we wish you the best as an accomplished scholar! Una & Inga: We will miss you both at the school – we will likely never have another phenomenal Mother+Daughter teaching duo again.

• Lina Jankus has returned to San Diego after living for a year in Vilnius. While the Jankus family may stay in San Diego long term or move again for work assignments, we are excited to have Lina, Greta and Dominykas with us again.

• Ruta Stecher and her family will be moving to Florida in December or January. We love Ruta’s creativity and her fun lessons in crafting and cooking at the school. We will enjoy Ruta while she is here.

• Birute Black is making plans to move to San Diego and will be joining our school as a teacher in early 2022. An accomplished teacher and an enthusiast of poetry, she is excited to join our school as soon as she arrives.

As you can see, these amount to a lot of change! Given all the moving parts, we will be starting the school in the following manner:

1) Group I: children ages 3.5+: Ruta will be leading this group with fun games, crafts, cultural lessons

2) Group II: children 1st grade+ who are comfortable in an Lithuanian-spoken-in the classroom-only teaching environment. Lina will continue teaching this group

3) Group III: children 1st grade+ who need the teaching to be conducted in English mostly, as they build their language skills. We will start this group in early 2022, when Birute arrives – OR – we can start now, virtually and transition into in-person next year.

4) Group IV: adults: We will start this group in early 2022, when Birute arrives – OR – we can start now, virtually and transition into in-person next year.

What we need from YOU:

1 – Please email Simona your/student’s confirmation of participation and which group they will join, so that the teachers can start preparing.

2 – Please tell other families you know who might want to join us! Email Simona with appropriate email addresses to be added to our school communications. Also, encourage everyone to join our Facebook Group.

3- If you or your student(s) are in group II or IV, please email Simona your preference – would you like to start learning with Birute virtually?

Schedule dates – Sundays:

Sept 26 – school – earlier start to allow for registration

Oct 3 – school

Oct 3 – no school/Veterans Day Holiday

Oct 17 – school

Oct 24 – school

Oct 31 – no school/Halloween

Nov 7– school

Nov 14– school

Nov 21 – Oct 3 – no school/Thanksgiving

Schedule times and location:

We will continue meeting at San Diego Oasis in La Mesa, 10 am to 12 pm, at the Grossmont Mall. (In a year or so, we might have a choice to move the school to Rancho Bernardo, if that would be more convenient for the majority of teachers and families).


$25pp, books not included, for Fall Semester, as listed above. Please bring your checks on the first day of school. We are grateful for the Lithuanian Fondas for their continued support, so that we can keep our fees very low!

Ačiū ir iki!

Simona, Rūta, Lina, Birutė

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