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Ride Against the War in Ukraine!, San Francisco

12 kovo, 2022 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

🇺🇦 Even if you don’t ride a motorcycle, come to the Starbucks and Civic Center Plaza with flags to support riders!
🇺🇦 Ride Against the War in Ukraine! The World is Lighting up in Solidarity for Peace.
🇺🇦 ALL motorcycle riders’ groups around the Bay Area are invited to join us on Saturday, March 12, in San Jose. Bring your American, Ukrainian, Lithuanian, and any other national flags, attached to your motorcycles and join the ride from San Jose to San Francisco, showing solidarity to Ukrainian people.
🇺🇦 Come at 9:00 am with a full tank, and ready to roll. The meeting site is near the Starbucks on Bernal Road in South San Jose. There will be time to meet, greet and add any other decor to your bikes in the colors of the Ukrainian Flag (Blue over golden, representing blue skies over fields of wheat/landscape). Safety talk and logistics of the ride will occur at 9:30 with KSU at 10 am.
🇺🇦 We plan to take 85, 87, El Camino Real, and HW 101 towards Civic Center Plaza of San Francisco.
🇺🇦 The event is coordinated with Lithuanian American Community of San Francisco, Ukrainian American Coordinating Council, and other Motorcycle Riding Groups that join us on this ride.
🇺🇦Publicity is highly welcomed and appreciated, take as many pictures and videos as you can. We want to share with the world our solidarity with the Ukrainian people to stop the war.
🇺🇦Stations KTLA and KTVU (channel 5 and channel 2) news are aware and seemed interested in our event, they may be coming out for the story.


12 kovo, 2022
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
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San Francisko lietuvių bendruomenė


125 Bernal Rd, San Jose, CA 95119-1303
