Baltic American Freedom League President’s Letter


Dear members, supporters and friends:

In his address to a Joint Session of Congress at the end of the year, President Zelensky reminded us that Ukraine is fighting not only of its own future, but also for the national security interests of the United States and our Baltic NATO allies.

Russia’s unjustifiable and brutal invasion of Ukraine on February 24 last year truly tested us as a community. Baltic leaders had sounded the alarm on Russia’s territorial ambitions as early as 2008 when Russia invaded Georgia and later in 2014 when Russia annexed Crimea. Our community had echoed these concerns, and now peace in the Baltic states was in jeopardy.

BAFL responded to Russia’s invasion by expanding its direct legislative outreach to congressional offices and committees. BAFL board members held in-person meetings in D.C. in May and September as well as multiple virtual meetings with staff throughout the years. We also successfully reached congressional staff and members of Congress through our Calls to Action. These CTAs allow grassroots members to send pre-populated letters to Congress urging supports for crucial legislation. This includes funding for security upgrades for the Baltic states through the Baltic Security Initiative, which is managed by the Pentagon and funded by Congress. As issues develop, we also promptly send letters to legislative offices and provide congressional staff with fact sheets.

Anne Smith, BAFL’s new advocacy advisor who rejoined us in May, is an experienced government relations professional who worked with BAFL when we advocated for Baltic state membership in NATO. Anne has also served as a staff member on the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Anne’s knowledge of the legislative process and national security policy is of tremendous value to our advocacy efforts.

From left: BAFL president Conrad Mazeika, Senator Richard Durbin and BAFL secretary Danute Mazeika in September 2022 at a U.S. Capitol reception celebrating 100 years of Baltic-U.S. diplomacy and the 25th anniversary of the Baltic caucuses (photo: BAFL)

Standing up for Ukraine

In May, BAFL accompanied Jonas Ohman – Blue/Yellow Ukraine’s founder who is based in Lithuania – and Rima Ziuraitis – a BAFL director and Blue/Yellow USA’s managing director – to D.C. Since 2014, Blue/Yellow Ukraine has raised $40 million to provide non-lethal military and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine.

Relationships forged during this time ultimately led to Jonas Ohman’s riveting testimony before the U.S. Congressional Helsinki Commission in December.

Our communities must continue to demonstrate that they’re willing to engage the local community and reach out to legislators. Continued grassroots advocacy and involving new generations of activists are crucial to ensuring continued freedom for the Baltic states and for regaining peace and security in Europe.

The year 2022 was difficult and a real test for a free world. We hope you’ll continue supporting the Baltic nations with your activism and financial support. Both have kept BAFL active since 1981.

We note that our dear friend and ally Ivars Mičulis passed away in December. Ivars served on BAFL’s Board of Directors for many years and will be sadly missed.

BAFL looks to 2023 with renewed vigor. The new 118th U.S. Congress will bring many changes and opportunities. Please stay tuned for news and updates, and keep an eye out for our new website.

Wishing you the best in 2023!

Ačiū! Paldies! Aitäh!

Conrad Mazeika


Baltic America Freedom League




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