Interested in genealogy, minority heritage? Have roots in Lithuania or nearby countries? This event is for you!


For a nation merely 3-million strong, Lithuanians left a remarkable legacy in the Americas: more than 650 heritage sites such as churches, cemeteries, clubs and monuments. Hundreds of them are interesting and important yet little-known.

Since 2017, Lithuanian-American heritage is researched by a massive “Destination Lithuanian America” project. During it, volunteers from Lithuania visit each and every site, meeting their Lithuanian-American caretakers, learning their stories and taking pictures and videos.

All the stories and images are then put on an interactive map ( ) and a bilingual encyclopedia of Lithuanian heritage abroad ( ), while the films and interviews are published on “Youtube” channel “True Lithuania”.

On September 8, 2024 at 12:45 pm “Destination Lithuanian America” leader Augustinas Žemaitis and volunteer Aistė Žemaitienė will visit Los Angeles! In addition to visiting the local Lithuanian community, at St. Casimir’s church lower hall they will meet the locals and give a presentation about the impressive Lithuanian heritage they mapped during 6 years of expeditions. It will be possible to learn more about the Lithuanian heritage in the Americas as well as ask questions or suggest additions to the map and encyclopedia.

The project is non-profit and the presentation is free of charge. 

Sunday, September 8th, 2024 12:45 pm at St. Casimir’s – Everybody is welcome!

Fragments of the map website (top) and encyclopeda website (bottom):

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