In English

New murals decorating St. Casimirs’

When I heard that the Kling Foundation will be sponsoring a wall painting inside the rectory gardens, I pulled Rolandas

300th birth anniversary of the Vilna Gaon

“If you will it, you too can be a genius” – a popular phrase common among Litvak families since the

Bored at home? Try Rolandas Dabrukas fun art projects

Most of us are stumped about what to do for fun while we’re locked down in our homes. We’ve rewatched

CLCU update for members

Dear Members, We hope you are staying safe during this time and wanted to share a few updates as our

Msgr. Edmond Putrimas Easter greeting

The doors were shut, where the disciples were assembled, for fear of the Jews, (and) Jesus came and stood in

Public Celebration of Mass Suspended throughout California

In response to unprecedented measures taken by California and the nation to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus (coronavirus),

Lithuanian golf tournament was Links’mas

Saturday, March 14th, was another California Lithuanian Golf Club tournament. First timers and seasoned CLGC veterans came together on the

Los Andželo J. Daumanto šaulių kuopos informacinis pranešimas

LT Brangūs broliai is sesės! Kviečiu visus susitelkti ir parodyti šaulišką tvirtumą bei vienybę plintančios epidemijos akivaizoje. Tenka apgailestauti, jog

Living in your thirties: think Lithuania

People in their thirties. High chances that you know someone, you are one or you remember being one yourself. It


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