„Auksinį liūtą“ pelniusi Venecijos bienalėje 2019 m. opera-performansas „Saulė ir jūra“ atvyksta į Los Andželą! Pasižymėkite kalendorius, nes spalio 14-16 dienomis einame į The Geffen Contemporary at MOCA (The Museum of Contemporary Art).
Lithuania’s Golden Lion-winning ‘Sun & Sea’ opera-performance at the 2019 Venice Biennale is arriving to Los Angeles! Mark your calendars as the performance will only be shown on October 14-16, 2021 at MOCA.
The all-female creative team (Rugilė Barzdžiukaitė, Vaiva Grainytė, and Lina Lapelyte) struck a chord with the public as they looked down from a balcony to watch performers stretch out on an artificially sandy beach, bake in fake lights, and sing harmonies about their mundane existences.
Only slowly does the reality of climate change set in for the viewer, as a wealthy mother brags about seeing the “bleached, pallid whiteness” of the Great Barrier Reef and a young man complains that it did not snow on Christmas, and instead “felt like it could be Easter.” – writes Artnet.
Nuotr. iš pasirodymo Berlyne, 2021 m. liepą