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2018 Baltic Christmas Fair

1 gruodžio, 2018 @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Free of charge

Kviečiame visus lietuvius, latvius ir estus į kasmetinę Kalėdų mugę.

Over 25 vendors from the Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian communities will offer many kinds of crafts and goods for the people on your list: jewelry, accessories, ornaments, prepared food items, handknits, textiles, books, collectibles, prints, ceramics, amber, bronze, bags and wallets, gingerbread, holiday decorations, cards, soaps, and more…

• Hot food and drink will be available all day, and the raffle will be held at 11:30 AM, 1, and 3 PM. Kids will have an opportunity to make and decorate a gingerbread house at 1:30 PM, for a small materials fee ($3). Come and take a picture with Santa at the same time!

• Volunteer help is always welcome! Help with set-up, decorations, clean-up, at the door, or with activities. Please contact us if you wish to volunteer.

• Coming by public transit? The Latvian Hall is a quick ten minute ride from the 24th St. Mission BART station via the MUNI 48 line, which runs every 20 minutes on the weekend and has a stop 200 feet from the Latvian Hall.


1 gruodžio, 2018
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Free of charge
Renginys kategorija:
Interneto svetainė:


Latvian Hall-SF
425 Hoffman ave.
San Francisco, Califirnia
+ Google Map
