Arizonos lietuvių bendruomenė kviečia susiburti.
Artėja kasmetinis Lietuvos Nepriklausomybės Atkūrimo Dienos progai skirtas piknikas/iškyla . Susitikime KOVO 17-ą dieną sekmadienį McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park, Papago Ramada.
12:00 val. galėsite atsigaivinti lietuvišku alumi ir kitais gėrimais, o pietūs – apie 1-1:30 val. Kaip ir kiekvienais metais vaišinsimės lietuvišku maistu – kugeliu, dešrelemis su kopūstais, salotomis. Prašome atnešti saldų patiekalą pasidalinimui ir prizą loterijai!
Skambės lietuviška muzika. Vaikai galės pažaisti šalia esančioje žaidimų aikštelėje.
Laukiame visų atvykstant!
Meal price $15 for ages 12 and older
Kids under 12 are free.
Drinks – water, soft drinks $1
Lottery tickets 2 for $1
Our picnic is coming up to celebrate March 11th – the Day of re-establishment of Lithuanian Independence. Picnic is scheduled for Sunday, MARCH 17th at McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park, Papago ramada. We will open a Beer Garden at 12:00 pm and we are planning to serve hot food at 1-1:30 pm. On our menu – kugelis, sausage and sauerkraut, salad.
We are asking you to bring desert to share and something for our lottery!
We will be playing Lithuanian music. There’s a spacious playground for the kids.
We look forward to seeing you! Don’t forget to invite your friends!
If anyone is willing to help us set up, please come in at 11:20am. This location worked for a lot of us, if you have a foldable chair, grab one or few just in case we need extra ones. Blankets might work as well.
PLEASE RSVP by March 12th, trying to get a head count to plan the amount of food, thank you.
McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park, Papago ramada #29 (map below, #29 is all the way on the bottom, to left of the parking lot)