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„DEZDEMONA” by Andželika Cholina (filmed version), San Franciskas

23 sausio @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Directed and Choreographed by Anželika Cholina
Kaunas Musical Theatre
World renowned choreographer Anželika Cholina’s take on William Shakespeare’s tragic tale of jealousy and duplicity is a percussion filled, striking and vibrant production that delves deeply into the soul of the tragedy and its self-sacrificing yet defiant heroine. In Cholina’s production, based on fellow Lithuanian Anatoly Shenderov’s original composition, artists of the small ballet troupe of the Kaunas Musical Theater dance multiple roles, thus creating not only the effect of mass, but also giving meaning to the miracle and drama of the transformation of the characters.
WHEN: January 23, 6:30 pm
WHERE: Lark Theater, 547 Magnolia Ave, Larkspur 94939
Part of the Artists in Exile Series. Art Seen Films is an intercultural project that distributes filmed theatre performances, translated and subtitled, into cinemas, arts centers and online streaming platforms across the globe.
Event by Lark Theater


23 sausio
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
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San Francisco Lithuanian-American Community


Lark Theater
547 Magnolia Ave
Larkspur, CA 94939
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