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JAV Lietuvių Jaunimo Sąjungos Suvažiavimas – Virtualus

8 lapkričio, 2020 @ 8:00 am - 9:00 am

Labas! We are excited to host our annual Suvaziavimas! We will have a great program, including elections for our Board.

Members, who have not yet paid annual dues, can pay $25 to participate and vote in the elections. Members who have paid annual dues, please email us at for the Zoom registration link.
(Members must be between the ages of sixteen (16) and thirty-five (35), inclusive; and of Lithuanian descent, meaning that they trace their ancestry to at least one ancestor, who was born in Lithuania, or married to any person of Lithuanian descent.)
Non-members are welcome to participate, as well, and they can pay $10.
Click here to pay the members’ or non-members’ rates:
Then, you will be directed to the Zoom registration link.

We are grateful to The Lithuanian Foundation (Lietuviu Fondas) for sponsoring our event!


8 lapkričio, 2020
8:00 am - 9:00 am
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JAV Lietuvių jaunimo sąjunga


Virtualus renginys
