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Sigutės Miller spaktaklis „Tragiška Magija“, San Franciskas

8 birželio, 2024 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Įtraukiantis Sigutes autobiografinis spektaklis gastroliavęs Los Andžele, Niujorke ir Čikagoje ir susilaukęs puikių įvertinimų.

Durys atidaromos 5:00pm

Spekataklis 6-7pm

Po spektaklio pokalbis su Sigute.

Veiks baras.

Bilietus pirkite čia:


$30 – sumokėjusiems Solidarumo mokestį čia

Šioje pjesėje pasakojama mano istorija, kaip pirmos kartos emigranto vaiko užauginto Čikagoje, susidūrusio su priklausomybės demonu nuo pat mažų dienų ir siaubingais įvykiais, kurie galiausiai atvedė į blaivybę, viltį ir transformaciją. Spektaklis atliekamas anglų kalba, jame skamba lietuviškos dainos ir tradicijos.

TRAGIC MAGIC is a riveting saga of tragedy, recovery and transformation. As a daughter of Lithuanian “DP’s”, growing up in Chicago and needing to fit in, Sigute experienced the ‘dragon’ of addiction early. The show shares stories of hanging with the bad boys, harrowing blackouts at a young age, #MeToo casting couch shame, wild escapades as a star manager on Rodeo Drive in the 80’s, endangering her young daughter, and confrontations with the law.

Sigute led a dual existence most of her life, managing to balance the ‘good little girl vs. the party animal’. Until she couldn’t.

Getting sober, transforming in India, and reconnecting with her first love – nature – Sigute weave her journey with honesty and humor, and honors her Lithuanian roots through songs and the pagan ritual of hugging trees.

Within my story is hidden the tragic loss of her brother, who had struggles of his own.  His beautiful and haunting poetry is scattered throughout the play, bringing a deeper meaning to not only his short life but to Sigute’s, as well. So, in the end, it is not just her story, but his too.

Tragic Magic is ultimately a story of hope, redemption and triumph.


8 birželio, 2024
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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San Francisco Lithuanian-American Community


Latvian Church Hall
425 Hoffman Ave
San Francisco, CA 94114
+ Google Map
