Sveiki atvykę, visi!
Susitiksim krepšinio aikštelėje (Veterans Park, 15445 Lansdowne Rd, Tustin, CA 92782)!
Renginys nemokamas.
Galit atnešti svečius, kurie mėgsta žaisti lauko krepšinį.
Jei negalit manęs rasti, laikysiu trispalvę vėliavą.
Jei esat pradedantysis, mėgėjas, expertas, sportininkas, itt – nesvarbu!
Sėkmės jums visiems….jums bus smagu!
P.S. Please keep in mind that this would be my first time attempting to create an informal gathering of Lithuanians in Orange County, etc., regardless of basketball experience and ability, who want to attempt to play basketball at the park! If anything, feel free to contact me privately anytime; contributions, suggestions, ideas, constructive criticism, etc. are welcome. Furthermore, more event details will be announced by or before the end of this week. Thank you, and stay tuned!