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Susitikimas su KTU delegacija, Silicio slėnis

12 rugsėjo @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Kviečiame į susitikimą su Kauno Technologijos Universiteto (KTU) rektoriumi Eugenijum Valatka ir 3 pro-rektoriais. Rektorius labai nori susipažinti ir pabendrauti su puikia San Francisco lietuvių bendruomene.
Mūsų tarpe yra nemažai KTU alumnae.
Ateikite sužinoti, kuo gyvena jūsų Alma Mater!
Join Us for an Exciting Evening at the Nordic Innovation House!
We are thrilled to welcome a distinguished delegation from Lithuania’s Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) to San Francisco. Meet Rector Eugenijus Valatka and three esteemed Vice-Rectors as they share updates on the latest advancements at KTU, Lithuania’s leading academic research institution renowned for its cutting-edge programs in science and technology. This event is a fantastic opportunity for the SF Lithuanian Community—especially KTU alumni—to connect, engage, and network with fellow Lithuanians.
Come meet the delegation, catch up on exciting developments at KTU, and enjoy an evening of mingling with local Lithuanians. We look forward to seeing you there!


12 rugsėjo
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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Mindaugas Šatas, Jurgita Mažeika, Diana Plačiakienė


Nordic Innovation House – Silicon Valley
470 Ramona St
Palo Alto, CA 94301
+ Google Map
