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The poetry and faith of Matilda Olkinaitė

10 liepos, 2020 @ 9:00 am - 10:30 am

Join us for an online panel discussion dedicated to honoring the Jewish heritage in Lithuania. The event will highlight the fate and writings of Matilda Olkinaite, a young Litvak poet whose life was cut short by the Holocaust but her legacy lives on within her works.
Date and time: July 10th at 9.00 AM (PDT/Los Angeles)
Register in advance for this event via Zoom:
• Mindaugas Kvietkauskas, Lithuanian Minister of Culture. Also, a literary scholar, writer and translator, compiler of the book „Matilda Olkinaite. Unlocked diary“.
• Irena Veisaite, a Lithuanian theatre scholar, intellectual and human rights activist, Holocaust survivor, who preserved Matilda’s diary and poems.
• Laima Vince Sruoginis, a poet, novelist, playwright, and literary translator. Her translations include the diary and poetry of Matilda Olkinaite.
This event is organized by the Lithuanian Embassy in the USA under the auspices of the commemorative year of the Vilna Gaon and the Lithuanian Jewish History.


10 liepos, 2020
9:00 am - 10:30 am
Renginys kategorija:
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Lietuvos generalinis konsulatas Los Andžele
Lietuvos ambasada Vašingtone/Embassy of Lithuania in Washington, D.C.
Generalinis konsulatas Čikagoje
Generalinis konsulatas Niujorke


Virtualus renginys
