• 03/05/2022

Ukrainiečių režisieriaus filmas „Mr. Landsbergis. Sugriauti blogio imperiją” peržiūra, Los Andželas

(Scroll down for English) //LT// LR generalinis konsulatas Los Andžele kartu su Lithuanian American Business Association in Los Angeles ir

  • 02/07/2022

Restored Lithuania celebration hike with LABA.LA, Los Angeles

Come join LABA.LA enthusiasts for a beautiful hike, picnic and raising a Lithuanian flag to celebrate 104 years of the

  • 04/09/2021

Virtualus renginys apie „dvigubą” pilietybę

LR generalinis konsulatas Los Andžele, Migracijos departamentas prie LR Vidaus reikalų ministerijos bei Lithuanian American Business Association in Los Angeles

Yellow, green and red decorated Los Angeles mountains as Lithuanians celebrated February 16th

The February 16th celebration is usually characterized by the abundance of events in Lithuania and Lithuanian communities around the World.
