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Registration for stovykla LANKAS is now open, Shelton, WA

13 rugpjūčio, 2023 - 19 rugpjūčio, 2023

Registration is now open!

Early Bird* Prices:



Camper (Age 0-3)


Camper (Age 4-17)


Adult/Part-Time Volunteer


Adult/Full-Time Volunteer


*Early Bird deadline is May 31st. Starting June 1st prices will increase by $50.

Registration deadline: June 30th

Adult Campers: All adults attending camp must also fill out the registration form. Adults can register under „Adult/Part-time Volunteer” and are expected to volunteer at least four hours a day, supporting activities and helping to run the camp. We understand that this may not be realistic for everyone, including the parents of young children. We also expect everyone who spends the night on Friday to help clean up the grounds on Saturday morning. Full-time volunteers are generally only counselors and lead chefs.

Processing Fee: Paying by credit card is strongly encouraged! This is the most convenient payment method for everyone even though it adds a 4% processing fee to your cost. Instructions for mailing by check are in the registration form.

Signatures and Insurance Card: There are four places on the form that require signatures. You can use your mouse to sign your name in those boxes. You will also need to upload a copy of the camper’s insurance card. You can do this by taking a picture of the card and uploading that file or by scanning the card. Let us know if you are having any trouble with any of this!

Unaccompanied Campers and Roommates: Children under 8 years old must be accompanied by a family member or guardian. If a camper has a roommate preference, please email us your preference. We will do everything we can to pair people together, but we cannot make any guarantees. Assigning rooms and groups is a complicated task and we need to ensure that all of the rooms are evenly balanced. Campers must be in the same age group to room together.

Covid Precautions: We will be requiring that all adults attending camp are vaccinated.

Please let us know if you have any questions or difficulty with registration!

Tadas Lukoševičius


13 rugpjūčio, 2023
19 rugpjūčio, 2023
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Lankas Lithuanian Heritage Camp
View Organizatorius Website


West Coast Latvian Education Center
270-298 W Riga Road
Shelton, WA 98584
+ Google Map
View Vieta Website
